
Dealing with the Veterans Administration can seem complicated, but with the right guidance and information it does not have to be.  The process will take work on your end and on our end.  To start the process off right please gather as much of the list you can and bring to your first appointment.  This will help the service officer get started on your claim.  Only bring those that apply and if you do not have something just let your service officer know so they can assist you.

Printable Checklist

Items needed for your claim

The following items are necessary for all claims:

  • DD214 (original or certified copy), with character of service
  • NGB22 (Reserve/National Guard)
  • Current Marriage Certificate
  • Divorce Decree(s) for both you and your current spouse and/or dates
  • Birth Certificates of dependent children (if any)
  • Social Security Number(s) of dependents (if any)
  • Banking Info (routing number & account number or voided check)
  • What VA Medical Center you seek treatment at and dates

Compensation claims also need these:

  • Current diagnosis from a doctor on all disabilities you are filing for
  • DBQ’s (Disability Benefit Questionnaire) filled out by a Doctor
  • Doctor’s statement stating, “Condition(s) being claimed are; more likely than not or at least as likely as not, due to their military service.” And why related.
  • STR’s (Service Treatment Records) from active duty or reserve time – date ordered______________
  • Lay Statement(s) signed and dated by the person who wrote it and contact info
  • 21-0781/ 21-0781a used for PTSD claims
  • Medical evidence for disabilities being claimed
  • 21-686c used for dependency

Pension Claims also need these documents:

  • VA Form 21-8416 w/ 1 year of projected household medical expenses and income (ex: June – June) if it’s your first time applying
  • VA Form 21-8416 w/ previous calendar year’s (Jan – Dec) medical expenses and income if you are updating your current pension
  • VA Form 21-2680 Housebound or Aid & Attendance examination completed by Doctor.
  • VA Form 21-0779 Nursing Home information for Aid & Attendance completed by facility where the veteran or surviving spouse lives.
  • Net Worth: All household assets including money in checking/savings accounts, IRA’s, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, KEOGH plans, social security, etc.
  • Attendant Affidavit
  • Care Expense Statement
  • Current disabilities if under age 65
  1. You have 1 year to gather all required information to submit your Fully Developed Claim. Your Expiration date is_________________ . Do not wait until the last minute to submit your claim as you need to make an appointment and you may miss your deadline.
  2. If you have “ANY” questions concerning your claim for benefits please call, (313) 964-6640.


*Please do not respond to any VA communication letters you receive in the mail. Call your Service Officer for an explanation and to file any additional documentation.